Surakarta City in November 2022 Experiencing Inflation of 0.11 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surakarta Municipality

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Surakarta City in November 2022 Experiencing Inflation of 0.11 Percent

Release Date : December 1, 2022
File Size : 1.22 MB


In November 2022, Surakarta City experienced inflation of 0.11 percent with a Consumer Price Index of 114.32. This inflation was due to an increase in prices as indicated by an increase in the consumer price index. Expenditure groups that experienced an increase in the price index were: the food, beverage and tobacco group rose 0.02 percent, the clothing and footwear group rose 0.51 percent, the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group rose 0.01 percent, the fixtures, equipment
and household routine maintenance rose 0.18 percent, the health group rose 0.09 percent, the transportation group rose 0.24 percent, the recreation, sports and culture group rose 0.47 percent, the food, beverage/restaurant provision group rose 0. 08 percent and the personal care and other services group rose 0.37 percent. In contrast, the information, communication and financial services group fell 0.23 percent. Meanwhile, the education group was relatively stable.

The 2022 calendar year (January-November) inflation rate is 6.53 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (November 2022 to November 2021) is 7.29 percent.

Of the 6 cities in Central Java Province whose inflation rate was calculated, in November 2022 it was recorded that all cities experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in the city of Purwokerto by 0.31 percent, followed by the city of Tegal by 0.21 percent, the city of Cilacap by 0.20 percent, the city of Kudus and the city of Semarang each by 0.13 percent and the city of Surakarta by 0.11 percent. .

Of the 90 cities of the national CPI, 62 cities experienced inflation and 28 cities experienced deflation. The city that experienced the highest inflation was the city of Ambon at 1.15 percent and the lowest inflation occurred in the city of Bandar Lampung at 0.01 percent. In contrast, the city that experienced the largest deflation was the city of Tanjung Pandan by 0.64 percent and the smallest deflation occurred in the city of Bungo by 0.02 percent.
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