Development of Tourism and Air Transportation in Surakarta December 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surakarta Municipality

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Development of Tourism and Air Transportation in Surakarta December 2019

Development of Tourism and Air Transportation in Surakarta December 2019Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 3, 2020
File Size : 0.28 MB


The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) of star hotels in the city of Surakarta in December 2019 was recorded at 69.05 percent, an increase of 3.69 points compared to the TPK in November 2019 which was recorded at 65.36 percent. Whereas the ROR for non-star hotels / other accommodation averaged 40.94 percent, an increase of 4.03 points compared to the ROR for November 2019, which reached 36.91 percent.
The average length of stay (RLM) of all star hotel guests in December 2019 was 1.42 days, a decrease of 0.15 points compared to November 2019 which was recorded at 1.57 days.
The number of commercial air passengers arriving through Adi Sumarmo airport in December 2019 totaled 76,452 people, consisting of 70,527 domestic flight passengers and 5,925 international flight passengers. This figure increased by 3.37 percent compared to the previous month, which numbered 73,957 people.
Passengers departing from Adi Sumarmo airport numbered 74,679 people, consisting of 69,014 passengers on domestic flights and 5,665 passengers on international flights. That number decreased by 0.64 percent compared to the previous month, which numbered 75,161 people.
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