Welfare Statistics of Surakarta Municipality 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surakarta Municipality

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Welfare Statistics of Surakarta Municipality 2022

Catalog Number : 4101002.3372
Publication Number : 33720.2236
Release Date : December 28, 2022
File Size : 5.13 MB


Data and information are needed to provide an overview of development achievements in a region. Data is needed in order to support the process of planning, implementing and evaluating development results so that they run well.

Publication of People's Welfare Statistics for the City of Surakarta 2022 presents data covering measurable aspects and the availability of data sourced from the 2022 National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas). General information available in this publication covers the fields of population, education, health, fertility and family planning , housing, information and communication technology, social protection, social security, and consumption and spending.

This publication is expected to meet the needs of data users and be useful for the government in determining further development policies, academics, and all other data users. Inputs and suggestions for the improvement of this publication in the future are highly appreciated and to all those who have assisted in the completion of the publication, we express our high appreciation and gratitude.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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