Recruitment of Population Census Officers (SP2020) Surakarta City BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Surakarta Municipality

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Recruitment of Population Census Officers (SP2020) Surakarta City BPS

Recruitment of Population Census Officers (SP2020) Surakarta City BPS

August 5, 2020 | BPS Activities

As stated in Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) is mandated to carry out a population census at least once in ten years.
Online Population Census (SP) has been held on 15 February-30 March 2020. The results of SP Online are only 174,089 residents of Surakarta City who participated independently to update their population data.

The next step is data verification of the population who have not updated the data when SP Online. Data verification is intended to obtain an accurate population data, which can be used as a basis for development planning.

In connection with the planned population data verification activities mentioned above, BPS in Surakarta City requires partner personnel to be able to carry out population data verification activities that will be contracted in the period 1-15 September 2020.

SP2020 Officer Requirements:
1. Physical and spiritual health, discipline and commitment
2. Residing in the city of Surakarta
3. Minimum education of high school / equivalent
4. Preferably aged 18-45 years
5. Preferably Non PNS and does not have a permanent job
6. Have and be able to operate a smartphone / tablet / gadget and have internet access
7. Able to communicate with the community in the task area.
8. Commit and be able to work in the field according to the established SOPs and implement health protocols
9. Willing to participate in Rapidtest Covid-19 *) Costs from BPS Surakarta
10. Willing to follow each stage of the selection
11. Willing and able to do independent learning SP2020

Online Officer Recruitment will be held on 5-7 August 2020 by accessing the link below:
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